Sunday, July 27, 2008

Talk amongst yourselves

With the time out/banning or whatever other childish action Epic has taken, Epic posters are free to talk amongst themselves without anyone challenging the status quo. This is the PSIA way and therefore the Epic way. In PSIA dissent is bad. On Epic dissent is bad. That's why PSIA is having problems and thats why I would never waste my money on an Epic academy. 

What PSIA and Epic don't understand is what people need to learn to ski well. Learning to steer the feet from the start of the wedge has led to a public that can only twist and skid to turn. They are then unable to learn and more importantly unable to implement the skills necessary to move on to higher level skiing. They are never going to get to the round turn which is a key to higher level skiing. Like friends enthusiastically recommending a bad doctor, the Epic crowd continues to perpetuate the PSIA party line.  Skill blending is a nice platittiude but it's a joke.

I guess you have to have been in skiing a long time to realize how many really bad ideas the PSIA hierarchy has had to retreat from. The most recent being the "Wide Stance" philosophy. They've been running from that for a while now.  I'm sure at some point they will catch on about steering and rotary.

The bigger question is why in the world would Epic emulate and run their organization in the same heavy handed way that PSIA has. Don't they see that it hasn't worked for PSIA? 


Anonymous said...

unlike the open minded way that the PMTS site is run.

Hypocrisy is fun! Wheeeee!!!!

Anonymous said...

The PMTS site is run as a site for PMTS. It's stated intent is just that. It doesn't pretend to be anything else. Epic on the other hand pretends that it is an all encompassing ski resource. So the hypocrisy lies with PSIA.

It is funny that every response to a comment here is about PMTS. You Epic guys really have a PMTS envy.

Anonymous said...

The reason that there are so many posts here about PMTS. Is that the " Commander in Chief " of that website wouldn't let any of these posts make it 10 minutes over there. On the other hand Epic at least let the debate ramble on, until it got out of hand.
So, until you PMTS'ers figure it out. Keep on drinkin the koolaid!

Anonymous said...

Why is it that you Epic's dont post and sign at least the bottom with your screen names?

Anonymous said...

The same could be said about you PMTSers. But, in all reality I already think you know who WE are.

Anonymous said...

"The bigger question is why in the world would Epic emulate and run their organization in the same heavy handed way that PSIA has. Don't they see that it hasn't worked for PSIA?"

Look at the composition of the leadership/ownership of EpicSki for that answer. All have done very well by the current PSIA organizational structure, some even rising to it's highest ranks. It has worked for all of them as individuals. It is the organization that suffered (PSIA). EpicSki is becoming no different.

Anonymous said...

......and you think it is working for PMTS.
I can tell by the numbers over there. It used to be over half of them posted at Epic, because there isn't any intelligent posters on PMTS.
Lets face it..... you need a site like Epic to look up to.
Who are you going to atack next?


TheRusty said...

Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something. - Aldous Huxley

The definition of a hypocrite is:
"a person whose actions belie stated beliefs". Have you deleted comments from this blog? If you can't answer this question with a simple yes or no, then please consider the possibility that you are not exclusively in the right.

To help you resolve the issues you have raised you should read Don Quixote de la Mancha. Who has written a more accurate description of your efforts: Huxley or de Cervantes? What do you expect to achieve by "challenging and rebutting the misinformation and censorship" of the instructional forums on Epic Ski? Perhaps you could achieve more by challenging your own assumptions and working with those you disagree with instead of against them?

Ott Gangl said...

For you folks who are either newcomers or who weren't in the game before PMTS, raging about PSIA and/or EpicSki is being forgetful about the history of the sport since in American Ski Instruction PSIA was the only game in town.

So instructors and coaches who have been around for a while are mostly PSIA or USSA related in one way or another,eve Harald, so is it any wonder that those folks dominate the instructor forums, from which affiliation should they have come from?


Anonymous said...


Nice to hear from you. I always enjoyed our discussions. To answer your question.

Yes. I have deleted posts from this blog. But only three that were obvious spam that had nothing whatsoever to do with skiing. One was a bible quote for example with no other content.

As regarding Epic, I challenge you to direct me to a post of mine that was anything other than an opinion expressed by a well informed skier. The fact is that the powers that be there didn't like the message or the messenger. The fact that Max and Bolter were banned drives this point home. I ave to admit that pulling down El Hombre Rapido's pants was fun but more to the point it was INFORMATIVE. It exposed the bullshit and the bullshit artists that are prevalent on Epic.It should be noted that there were many who appreciated my tell it like it is style.

It's interesting to note how much the discussion has dropped off in the instructional forums. There's not much value or entertainment in a bunch of people sitting around agreeing with each other.


TheRusty said...

So you see VS, you could not answer with a simple yes or no. Censorship always has excuses. Or should we call it "good reasons"? Maybe there is another perspective?

You can't see the productive discussions because they've been moved to a premium forum where they can not be interrupted by obstructionists preaching the "truth" about skiing and ski teaching. Or is it hiding behind closed curtains in fear of criticism from those who know better? Maybe there is another perspective?

We've already had several discussions where your posts have been criticized as not well informed. That you disagree is not the point. The point is that you continually attempted to disrupt a community. Maybe you considered telling it like it is to be a form of tough love. Maybe there was another perspective?

Every Internet community is unique with its own unique set of formal and informal rules of behavior. You knew you were testing the limits on Epic Ski and you can't claim that the result was unexpected. It's truly sad when people feel the need to force a discussion (instead of guiding it and truly listening to what others are saying), but it should not be surprising when one is shunned for doing so. Blaming Epic Ski for being unique in this regard is a different perspective.

Good luck with your new community offering your own unique perspective. It is my sincere hope that you "achieve something" from your efforts.

Unknown said...

Seems to me he answered with a definitive: "Yes." Then provided an explanation. Not reasonable?

Anonymous said...

I've always found TheRusty to be sincere, and there is a certain truth to what he implies as far as VS seeking banning. VS clearly knew he was testing limits, relished (perhaps felt validated by?) controversy and even left some bait dangling, like using the JHAF slogan, that curiously the Epic crowd didn't even seem to notice, perhaps due to a lack of background on their part. That said, TheRusty I suspect also might grant that there's a lot of validity to what VS says about the current qualitative nature of Epic as a ski and snowboard forum. There is a net social cost when what is supposed to be an inclusive forum gets so taken over by small special interests to the point that the connection with reality is often nearly severed. This did not have to be -- Rusty will understand what I say when I say that AASI for example allows people to come "untwisted" without being burned at the stake as a heretic -- but given where Epic is now in my opinion there's no turning back the clock.

Anonymous said...

Since the anonymous above brought it up...

I noticed the JHAF reference a long time ago. I just never figured it was appropriate to ask vs1 about it publicly on Epic. This seems like my chance. So, vs1, are you a member of JHAF? Do we know each other?

There are some people here in JH who think they've figured out who you are but I'm not convinced. I don't think you live here but you probably know people here. I'm just curious about whether you and I have met or skied together.

As to whether EpicSki sucks or not, I guess that's a lot like opinions on the quality of someone's skiing - it's in the eye of the beholder. It's obvious that EpicSki sucks for you, but it doesn't for me.

C'est la vie.

Anonymous said...

VS, I'm curious too. I think we skied together once and I ended up with one of your credit cards and want to give it back to you. But, to be sure it's you, I need your SSN and address. PM me bro.

PS you're still way wrong about ski width.

Anonymous said...

So where do we go from here?

There's nothing wrong with some fun venting following heavy-handed editorial decisions, and your viewer numbers are probably doing well, but after a time you need to offer positive content or the whole party dies off. I think wildsnow and theskijournal (new version of the old aspect)offer two very helpful models for finding a niche, along with certainly t-tips and newschoolers. These are all information-rich sites that add to the community overall.

I'd like to hear about how you began introducing your kid to steeper terrain and variable snow. I'd like to hear your take on skiing as therapy. I'd like to hear about some of the characters you've known.

That would all get buried on some sites, no question, but you've got the audience here now. Try to keep it.