Monday, July 21, 2008


This is an open forum. I've started it because I was banned from Epic Ski for asking some simple questions and exposing some of the frauds who post there in the instructional forums. 

Epic functions with 2 sets of rules. One set is for the public and one set is for a specific group at Epic. These individuals are allowed to criticize and say anything they want to without sanction. They are allowed to pontificate ad nauseum without providing any back up of their own ability or demonstrations of their technique. This is a bit odd considering that when any of us teach skiing eventually we have to demonstrate what we are talking about to our students. So why is it a big deal to ask for these individuals to post examples of them demonstrating. The reason is quite simple. They can't ski. They squawk and bark for video from others and  folks such as Max 501 and Bolter put up. But instead of rising to the challenge the Epic crew stooped to their usual tactics. Complain to Mods, Ban people and threaten others. No video was posted

 Epic is similar to a ski bar. The amount people talk about skiing is in inverse relation to their actual skiing ability. Nolo and SSH can't buy a turn although Nolo has many plaques and pins. BTS has provided one excuse after another for not posting his skiing. Ski Dude 72 is an obvious CSIA wannabe and is so out of it he still thinks Russ Wood is the Shit. But the biggest faker of all is El Hombre Rapido aka Fastman aka Rick. Well it turns out he can't ski either and when the photos went up of him much to his surprise the real crying started. The more you talk and the more convoluted the talk is, the less likely you are to actually be able to walk the walk. Well the Emperor's have no clothes on at Epic SKi.

Of course there are the other Psycophants that are so desperate to belong to the group such as WTFH and Cirqurider who contribute nothing but ass kissing.

There is a large group developing in the ski community that recognizes Epic for what it is, a petty little group and we're going to hold them to account. I suggest that anyone thinking of affiliating with Epic or who is already affiliated with Epic to think long and hard about it. I know that I will personally boycott instructors, manufacturers and areas that affiliate with them. I will encourage my friends and spread the word to others as well. 

The bullies will be stopped.


Anonymous said...

hey'll be missed at epic but this should make for some good off season reading.

a former bear

Anonymous said...

you really need to focus on your true intentions here.
The problem resides with PMTS. There is no credibility, no Professionalism. Only babies that cry when they don't get there way. I do believe that it was about time epic stopped letting you force your koolaid down there throats.
My question to you is: If PMTS is so "big" then why is all of the discussion happening over at epic, and not on your forum. Answer: Because non of your members have a clue on what you are trying to push. PMTS Skiing is the equivilent of learning the duckwalk at the beginning level,

Glad your gone VS you truly were an asshat!

Anonymous said...

FINALLY....! Someone has the guts to callout the arrogance of the imposters! Way to go VS.

Larger entities than Epic have been taken down when the truth prevailed.

Exposure is a beautiful thing!

Anonymous said...

I truly and honestly feel sorry for this poor soul who posted with such anger. He must be a tormented psyche you left behind on Epic. He is one obviously burdened with profound inner conflict. He could not hold back, he had to come and disconnect from you, using all the reprisal he could muster toward his nemeses. His anguish palpitates in every word he posts. He followed you here, he had to, I can understand his devastation, watching his guiding light vanish. I feel the anguish he must have in his bosom, since you left. It is just a fact of life that one struggles to carry on after the light of truth vanishes and takes residence in a new dimension, that you can’ t comprehend. The only consolation is that he will no longer be fraught by your threatening crusade for truth.

Anonymous said...

The drivel in the technique forums tonight on Epic remind me of 20th century Soviet physics journal articles which were required to exalt Marxist-Leninist science above lesser Western forms of science, to be ideologically pure, and to have smaller experimental measurement errors than bourgeois scientist could achieve. The Epic party apparatchiks prevent a head to head comparison of race-derived recreational ski technique with ISIA-endorsed techniques by 1) deleting posts, 2) killing or branching threads, 3) maintaining official rules of conduct and informal rules of conduct both of which are capriciously enforced, 4) banning mention of the Primary Movements Teaching System (tm) and Harb Ski Systems except when mentioned negatively, and 5) denying members the right to request experimental evidence such as video from "gurus" of their competence. Nolo made the mistake of posting her "carving" so we know about her skiing. El Hombre Rapido got photographed in his funny jacket "doing drills" and will soon be seen in several DVDs. SSH is in the same photo album as Fastman. BB recently posted a two turn animated gif loop with a turn-sapping left pole plant and alignment problems to demonstrate high-caliber dynamic skiing (yet another top ISIA type who can't see what flaws mere PMTS (tm) students can see in his skiing.) And the list goes on ...

Epic has a huge member population, and, while most don't frequent the technical forums, those who do are passionate about skiing and generally wish to improve. If they only knew how much the Party machine is holding them back! They deserve better. Every season more of them do find it in PMTS (tm) or other race-derived efficient skiing training.

No teaching system and no large group of students or instructors is without flaw, but some are much better than others. Epic's biggest flaw is Epic control point #6) there is no right or wrong, better or worse, no correct or improper, good or bad, or objective notion of quality on Epic. The first rule of Epic is that you do not talk about right or wrong on Epic.

SSH, how many named fallacies have I committed? It's no surprise you don't see the truth those fighting words convey.

PS Many of us on Epic miss you, VS1. You had a gift for pointing out some ugly truths about us, often with humor or disarming candor.

Anonymous said...

It is one thing to be thought a fool, it is another to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Keep talking.

Anonymous said...

What is epic ski? Anyone got a link?

Anonymous said...

How do all of you ski with your heads so far up Haralds ass?

Anonymous said...

By watching your videos on Epic posts. That's the ugly reality that can drive any sane person to a black hole.

Anonymous said...

Congrats with starting this blog! I think that recently Epic went way over any reasonable limit protecting bad skiing.

Anonymous said...

VS, come on, what's your beef, man? It's not like posting on a ski forum is a requirement in life, is it? So you were banned, big deal! Take it like a man. Many before and many after you will walk the same path. Skiing's supposed to be fun, right? Chill!

Anonymous said...

Wow, didn't expect such an intense pissing match like this to flare up now! I would have thought everyone was preoccupied with summer activities.

Anonymous said...

what were you expecting.....
It's PMTS, they are inferior, and always will be.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is awesome. Volklskier -- who has never posted video of himself skiing despite countless requests to do so -- is now criticizing Epic people for at least having the courage to do so.

Anonymous said...

Another one bites the dust...And another one bites...another one bites...another one bites the dust.

The three amigos are gone. Off to the PMTS forum for a circle jerk.

RomeRun said...

VS, you are my hero, truely.

Could you blog about how Mr. Rick became Fastman, became El Hombre Rapido ? I missed that and very curious.

PS. anonymous posters are cowards, am I right ?

Anonymous said...

Cowards? Since VS never posted video of himself but called everyone else out. This place is based on being a coward.

Having VS as your "hero"? Might want to raise that bar a bit.

Ott Gangl said...

Ott Gangl wrote:>>>>The reason is quite simple. They can't ski.<<<

Since I see you and others use that term, I am curious where the division line is of skiers who can ski and skiers can't ski.
For instructors this side of the Atlantic It means that beginner instructors, certified or not, get to teach kids, never-evers and beginner lessons until they are seasoned enough and have developed their skiing and teaching prowess to qualify to teach higher levels.
At which point in their skiing and instructing development would you say they CAN ski?

You don't have to answer this if it embarrasses you, but in which category do yo put yourself?


Is this taken from the blog? If so you can post there and I will respond. It's an open dialog and is designed to keep the nonsense focus on where it belongs Epic Ski.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Though the the quote was from your blog, I was interested to see what other non-bloggers had to say and I got an answer from HH so I know where he draws the line, how about you, you teach so you should know.


BTW, who are all these anonymous posters, don't they have a name?

Anonymous said...

Coward? How about VS posting video of his own skiing? So, your hero is also a coward? Good for you. Looks like are becoming everything you aspired to be. Good for you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: The three amigos are gone. Off to the PMTS forum [obscenity omitted]

Sadly. Our EpicSki moderators have carved off their noses to spite their faces. (seems they've still got this carving thing down wrong ;-) Why did our moderators single out the single most open-minded partcipant on Epic (Max) and a close runner-up for that title (Bolter) who is a highly experienced PSIA full cert? It was an unfortunte, misguided encore to their banning of VolklSkier1 who had the knack of exposing uncomfortable truths to those who would listen.

There are many dedicated, passionate recreational skiers on Epic and a fair number of instructors who toe the party line publicly to keep their jobs so they can continue to bring the joy of skiing to others. They deserve better than what they receive under the new ownership and moderation structure at Epic. Epic management's rejection of Max's and Bolter's contributions and their embracement of what Nolo called "PSIA Royalty" who use cartoon physics to justify their skiing makes it clear that marketing ESA, ESA coaches, and ESA business affiliates is more important than providing an unbiased exchange of skiing information to rank and file members.

The new face of Epic is regrettable, but the owners have a right to seek a profit. However, members have rights too: to vote with their pocketbook (dropping supporter status) and with their browser (visiting other forums). Citing major changes in Epic over the past 4 years, Vail Snopro (no friend to PMTS) recently declined publicly to pay supporter dues to Epic. Epic is following the same downward spiral that PSIA did into a mutual admiration society where bad skiers are coddled, especially if they have a pin on their jacket.

If Epic wants to again be a vibrant community of passionate skiers, the mods should invite VS1, Bolter, and Max_501 back and publicly acknowledge their departure and the epic no good/ no bad in skiing policy as moderator error.

P.S. VS1, thanks for giving me a place to comment. As you know, there is a zero tolerance policy on Epic for posts questioning moderator policies and actions.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So after months of not caring, I take a look.

"The only difference, is you are exactly the same as you used to be."

Man. You he/she/its are still at this?

This has been going on so long, I got clean and sober.

Note to self: This is a step backwards, stay away -- avoid this at all costs; definition of insanity.


Anonymous said...

I have purposely avoided the instructional forums on Epic after viewing that droll for a period of time as well as skiing with some of those regular instructional posters only to find their real game was disappointingly lackluster. Too much cyber skiing will cloud anyone’s reality over time and unfortunately some of those regulars would be better served to simply get away from the keyboard and exercise more.

Additionally you’ll notice after some time spent on Epic the excesses of some moderator’s pseudo-cyber-expertise creeps into other non technical forums. For example, Cirquerider’s “listen to me” and Trekchick’s constant “look at me” posts annoyingly come to mind. God bless them both as they are nice people but anyone who has skied with them knows neither rip but talk a big quiver game that unfortunately coupled with their billion post counts appears like authority to many new on Epic. Epic management would do well to throttle all that mr. authoritative and silly giggle TC post pad nonsense back and let the community be heard without edit or wasted misdirection. Otherwise, serious skiers just avoid the site and Epic is lost for new value contributions.

Epic can be a fine site with some good info if you can wade through the crap of a few…of course that is true with any gig we deal with daily. Let’s move on smartly everybody.

Anonymous said...

kinda the same as.
" Look at my kitties "


pot.... meet kettle.

Anonymous said...

"Look at my kitties" poster.

I think the prior post had it about right from my point of view. There is way too much noise from the moderators over on Epic. I think it would be better to see a term limit with the mods and roll in new people to freshen it up now and then. However, do those mods have a business share? It does appear so as a couple of them post way too much to have another job.

Oh oh…am I now the pot or the kettle? :-)

Anonymous said...

You're joking......

.....and the same isn't being done on the PMTS site?
Seems to me that there are multiple posters over there that seem to be the same person.
With a lot of domination in the "moderation" area.

Kettle meet Pot again......

Anonymous said...

You’re stuck on that Pot and Kettle stuff (someone uses that on Epic quite a bit ;-)

While the poser posting specific mod names is gutless unless you use your own name to sign off with, I do think there are instances of overbearing modification and self aggrandizement on the part of some mods on Epic. Being overbearing and self aggrandizing is fine if you’re a participant member (that’s the fun of a forum read) but not acceptable as a moderator where I find that to be true in other popular ski/bike/outdoor forums.

Regarding the PMTS site; I’m baffled over its irritating influence for some at Epic as I've never held any thought so fragile to be so easily rankled. However, I would expect there to be some loudmouths planted within the PMTS site to keep the pulse going until it could grow to a popular level…if it ever will. EPIC is past that and should move on to let the community self moderate and have the mods pull back, remove the screen title and strive to be less newsworthy.

Yes I’m disappointed Epic banned those few and why I glanced in on this blog. I’m afraid we’ll find it less entertaining and balanced on Epic without those people in the give and take.

Anonymous said...

From P & K

In response I do agree that it was unfortunate those individuals were banned. But, you have to respect the Epic site for that. Just as you have to respect Harald for the way he runs his site.
Poaching of other peoples sites on the internet is a way of life now, and if in the heat of the moment you get banned. Then so be it.
I gues for both sides, you'd have to sum it up as they have to agree, on disagreeing.

Anonymous said...

P & K:

Excellent return…we’ll post swap again on another forum as I run from here.

K & P.

Anonymous said...


Now were talking about golf.....

Can someone enlighten me on the " Phantom Golf Swing "