I'm sorry to inform you there is a right and a wrong way and you can see it and quantify it. In a race course it's easy. Best technique wins. But we can se it in any other circumstance whether steeps, ice, powder etc. There are those whose movements on ski inspire us and cause us to aspire to them. The problem is that many don't really know what those movements look like and worse don't realize how far away they are from being able to make those movements. Because they are told there's no right or wrong.
Perhaps this philosophy comes from PSIA. How else can it be that so many who are so involved in this organization whose sole goal is to train instructors ski so badly?
Dude, how'd you learn to ski? Do you have a clip to show us how you ski? You talk a big story, and that's cool. how about showing us what you can do?
The wrong way is pmts. It does not work. It never has, and it never will. Soon it will die out and fade away.
PMTS is going to die out and fade away...?
Hell... I had to book a camp 6 months in advance. It's growing like crazy. Even the Masters coaches are catching on.
And the better learning system is...?
6 months in advance......
You've got to be kidding me!
The numbers are just not there. I bet there in no more than 20 of ya, at any given camp. Also, how many choices of camps do you have each season? One...... Two.......
Growing like crazy.......
Yeah... Right.
And the better learning system is...?
Any system is better than PMTS! It'll be done in less than 2 years!
Wrong answers. And the better learning system is..?
Mr. Any system is better than PMTS,
I owe you much gratitude. Your self-selected role in life is to be part of the gaper landscape which highlights my elegant, efficient PMTS skiing. Your self-selected role in life is to make me look even better than I am. For this, Mr. TTS student, I am grateful. Please, please, please do not ever get it into your head to take a PMTS lesson ... I enjoy admiring comments from the chairs and in the liftlines too much to give them up lightly.
"I'm sorry to inform you there is a right and a wrong way and you can see it and quantify it. In a race course it's easy. Best technique wins"
IIRC Fastman offered to take on HH and Max in the Keystone downhill.... Offer was,of course, as usual, ignored...
I wonder why?
It was ignored. Because they are inferior and intimidated by professionals. They hide behind a ficticious program called PMTS. Which is going to do nothing but harm skiers all over the world.
No wonder they didn't show up......
PMTS skiers CANNOT SKI......
If you losers are going to continue to come over here and post the same thing over and over again at least get your facts straight.
VS1 offered up $1,000.00 USD that MAx would beat El Hombre Rapido in a GS. ANd put up $10,000.00 that Harb would beat him by at least 5 seconds.
El Hombre Rapido then complained to the Mods and then quickly brecame:
El hombre silencioso.
I'll back that same bet with another $1,000.00 and $10,000.00
If I am reading this correctly, then only PMTS skiers can ski, and the rest of the people that hit the slopes, by definition, can't.
I guess that we all may as well hang 'em up and let PMTS skiers support the entire ski industry...
Rick says in post 90 of Max's "what coaches are teaching" thread [quote]Your right,,, this will never happen. It would be entertaining though. Here's my suggestion; the Keystone downhill in Febuary. Been wanting to do that anyway. SkiRacer55, I'll need a coach. [/quote]
Let's see it.... HH is a WC skier, Rick was never on the WC... should be a piece of cake for HH to wipe the floor with Rick... :D
I'll even take the bets on this event
In all of the WC analysis that El Hombre Silencio and his compadres have done, I dont recall much DH. It's been GS and S. So let's stick to the technical events. In addition, why do we want to wait until Feb. This can happen in November, December.
I'm still cracking up over those Photos of El Hombre Silencio doing his warm up drills in that silly ski outfit.
re: If I am reading this correctly, then only PMTS skiers can ski, and the rest of the people that hit the slopes, by definition, can't.
You've taken this to an absurd limit. A small cadre of elite natural athletes exists who ski well despite their coaching. These people ski. A still small group of people blessed with good alignment, proprioception, and athletic talent ski well after many years of development by selectively accepting or rejecting their instructors'/coaches' advice. There aren't many of these people, but they exist (and some of them contribute positively to Epic.) Then there are PMTS skiers, most of whom can ski and most of whom aren't athletically or biomechanically blessed. That's the PMTS difference.
As to supporting the industry, the PSIA-trained gapers may tail swish their way down the mountain, but they pay for their passes, same as us, to keep the lifts turning. PSIA-trained "skiers" vs PMTS-trained skiers. Think tricycle riders vs. Tour De France. They both pedal to get where they're going, but some do so efficiently and elegantly. Most small kids on trikes want to grow up to be bicycle riders once they see bigger kids on bikes. Many PSIA-trained gapers who see a PMTS skier say "I wanna ski like that."
Ott Gangl wrote:>>>>The reason is quite simple. They can't ski.<<<
Since I see you and others use that term, I am curious where the division line is of skiers who can ski and skiers can't ski.
For instructors this side of the Atlantic It means that beginner instructors, certified or not, get to teach kids, never-evers and beginner lessons until they are seasoned enough and have developed their skiing and teaching prowess to qualify to teach higher levels.
At which point in their skiing and instructing development would you say they CAN ski?
You don't have to answer this if it embarrasses you, but in which category do yo put yourself?
Is this taken from the blog? If so you can post there and I will respond. It's an open dialog and is designed to keep the nonsense focus on where it belongs Epic Ski.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Though the the quote was from your blog, I was interested to see what other non-bloggers had to say and I got an answer from HH so I know where he draws the line, how about you, you teach so you should know.
BTW, who are all these anonymous posters, don't they have a name?
Hey Ott,
What are you complaining about?
To state the obvious: Anonimity allows posters to share their truest, ugliest sentiments most honestly. It also give you a clinical glimpse at human nature.
Signed: Anonymous
Most PMTS skiers ( all 50 of them) couldn't make it in the PSIA world. (Failed exams, rejections, couldn't listen to detail, etc.)
All these Banditos want to do is pass there misery upon, well trained professionals. Whom ski with such finesse and fluidity that is rivaled amongst the world.
Come on.... I mean. Where in the US can you walk into a ski resort and see an accredited PMTS ski school?...........
You can't. There is a reason for this too. Because, people don't want it. They want to learn howto ski. Not screw themselves up even more with a bogus PMTS lesson.
"Epic is a forum of extreme intolerance except in one area: bad skiing. If you can't ski,... let's not forget El Hombre Rapido!!! "
Hahaha... but Rick is older than and still has a better Nastar handicap than Franz Fuchsberger who you think is great!!!
You have no clue really do you? You just label people that you think you disagree with as bad skiers...whether they are or not is another matter... no wonder HH Max and you refuse to take Rick up on the offer to put it in the downhill race course
BTW maybe VS knows that Fuchsberger was:
- time World Synchronized Demo Ski Team Champion / Team Vail
10 - time Vail/Beaver Creek Ski School Overall Champion SG/GS/SL
25 - time Powder 8 Champion 17 - top three finishes in Powder 8 competitions
1991 - US Ski Instructor Champion GS, Individual and with Team Vail
1996 - Overall Vail Town Champion in SG/GS/SL
1997 - Number One Ranked Nastar Racer in the US (www.nastar.com )
1997 - WORLD POWDER 8 Champion with Hayden Scott.
1998 - World Alpine Synchronized Skiing Champion / Team Vail-Snowell
1998 - Ski Instructor of the Year
1998 - WORLD POWDER 8 Champion with Hayden Scott.
1999 - Overall Vail Town Champion in SG/GS/SL
1999 - Beaver Creek Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
1999 - Vail Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2000 - Synchro Ski World Championship Victory Samnaun/Switzerland
2000 - Beaver Creek Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2000 - Vail Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2000 - US Powder 8 Series Champion with ERIC ARCHER
2001 - Beaver Creek Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2001 - Vail Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2001 - US Powder 8 Series Champion with ERIC ARCHER
2001 - World Powder 8 Champion with ERIC ARCHER
2002 - Vail Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2002 - Beaver Creek Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2002 - World Powder 8 Masters and Overall Champion with partner PEPI NEUBAUER
2002 - Runner up to Pepi Neubauer "DUKE CUP" - Vail/CO
2003 - Beaver Creek Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2003 - Vail Ski School Overall Champion SG/GS/SL
2003 - World Powder 8 Masters Champion
2003 - Runner up to Pepi Neubauer "DUKE CUP" - Vail/CO
2003 - Vail Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2004 - Runner up to Pepi Neubauer "DUKE CUP" - Vail/CO
2004 - "Heli Schaller Challenge Cup" Champion - Winterpark/CO
2004 - Vail Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2004 - Beaver Creek Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2004 - World Powder 8 Masters Champion
2005 - Runner up to Pepi Neubauer "DUKE CUP" - Vail/CO
2005 - Vail Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2005 - Vail Town Race Series Individual Overall Champion
2005- Beaver Creek Town Race Series Champion ( Team SnowellUSA.com )
2005 - Vail Ski School Overall Champion SG/GS/SL
2005 - Rocky Mountain Masters -- ELITE CLASS Champion
2005 - 2nd Place World Powder 8 Masters Championships
2005 - National Masters Downhill Champion - Overall
2005 - 1st Place PRO-AM / Team Summit Fundraiser Giant Slalom
Recently, laws have changed regarding Internet content. I can't say for sure, but you could be held liable for the content of this site.
Man, it's not worth it. All that'll happen is that he'll get more free publicity at someone else's expense.
Is this worth fighting for? No, it's not. What's in this for you? Nothing but bad health. You're just going to drive yourself crazy, create anger in your mind. Anger causes cancer. You could have a heart attack or worse. You can end up using over it all.
You're creating an invitation for others to live in your head -- you already have. It's bad for your soul. I know, it happened to me.
Fight for your family, your health, to change the world. Not, for something so insignificant as this. Nobody cares. And even if they did, two wrongs don't make a right.
Let it go. Let the demons go, let it all go. Make amends. Anger will get you.
Internet people don't matter. They're bad for the head, there is nothing good that will come typing on forums, to strangers, or having conversations with people who aren't in the room.
Do yourself and your family a favor. Take this thing down before something bad happens to you. Nothing good will come of this.
Think about all the time, all the space in your head this has and is taking up. Now think about if you had that time for your family -- or something really positive in your life. Internet forums are designed to take advantage of people and to get them hooked. The publishers of said forums are no different than drug dealers. I know, I was there.
Leave now, quit now. I promise, you'll be better off for it.
One more comment, then all I can do is pray for you. I got my own ass to save.
The people who are cheering you on ("yeah, what a great idea this is -- go VolklSkier"), aren't your friends. They're Romans, who've shown up to watch Christians get slaughtered. They're just watching you go down, cheering while it's happening, in real-time, in front of God and everyone.
The people who are fighting you, they're angry he/she/its. All you're doing is giving them yet another place to feed their anger jonez. Addicts, love to hang out with other addicts. Your site is akin to a new bar opening up in town.
Finally, think about how popular reality tv is now. The most popular tv shows are all about watching others make fools of themselves.
It's all really bad, really unhealthy.
Or, think about this. How much do you spend thinking about all this each day? I know in my case, I spent most of my day thinking about the conversations/arguments I had with total strangers. It was bad. I lost so much time on forums. All I can do now is do what it takes to not let it happen again. I start, with not visiting any type of forum. I don't talk to strangers on the Internet, I don't have conversations with people who aren't in the room.
But I'm glad I did this because maybe you'll see the light, get it back together. You can do it, you just have to want to.
That's all man, I hope you make it out of this. It's no place to be.
Gee, Paul, what sage advice, I like it. You have gained wisdom, good on you.
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