It's been funny reading the posts from the Epic crew. They might even notice that their posts are not censored. What's interesting is the obsession that Epic has with Harald Harb and PMTS. I'm not a PMTS instructor. I started this blog to point out the hypocrisy of EPIC and also of PSIA of which I am a certified member. So where does all of this PMTS talk come from? It has to be the result of a combination of fear and envy and a desperate need for acceptance and validation. Let me explain.
Decades ago PSIA lost it's way. As it became larger, it became more political. People were no longer judged and certified based upon merit alone. Let me be clear, many were certified on their ability but many more were not. They were passed and rose through the ranks on the buddy system. Not only does this have the effect of diluting the value of PSIA certification but it also fosters an environment where dissent and unique POV's are not tolerated. This culture is then reinforced by the old guard hanging on to their positions. Look at the selectors for the D-team. It's the ancients and those that agree with the ancients. This extends all the way down to the divisions where examiners hold onto their status come hell or high water. A perfect example of all this is Nolo. She clearly did not become an examiner based on her ability. She has clearly stated that she has received many plaques and awards based on all her work in her division. I contend that much of this got her the role of examiner. This is the PSIA way. Now if you were to stand up to Obi Wan and the others in the old guard who wrote all the silly crap that passes for ATS then you would have no chance at advancing. Because at some point in PSIA talent and ability take a back seat to the politics.
Of course this type of system hinders the development of new ideas and methods. It stifles creativity. This is why PSIA has been falling behind and losing members to the point where they now have yet a new membership level. Level 1 which essentially means if you pay them money they'll give you a pin.
PSIA is also important if you cant ski because they will tell you that you can. If you're part of the group, they will validate your ability.
All of this creates a bubble that PSIA and their group live in. They seem to have no awareness that the public views instructors as a joke. They have gone from being the admired masters of the mountain to being the bottom feeders. Tell some rippers that you are PSIA and they'll laugh at you. Kids today don't want ski um as instructors or to get taught by them either. They have better opportunities for work in the mountains and better coaching available
When we follow this, it is readily apparent why Epic behaves the way they do. Their ski experience is very limited. It is all in the PSIA cocoon. So they do not react well to challenge or innovation. That's why in one of the most innovative mediums in the history of man they are still stuck in PARK.
I guess that PMTS must be having an impact to generate the jealousy that comes form Epic. They must be scared that all the pin chasing and ass kissing could go down the drain.